First, the ridge line has to be defined so that an automatic suggestion for the base boundary can be made and later for the correct location of the teeth master.
The default view shows the re-scaled mesh of the upper or lower jaw. The wizard on the left side shows pictures, guiding the technician.
For the upper jaw, the technician has to set another 9 points for the alveolar ridge line and five anatomic points (the green ones).
In addition to the Alveolar Ridge, the point of the buccal and labial frenulums (UJ) needs to be defined here to be used in further steps.
The canines are defined by the palate fold which can be shown as (predefined) area here to help to mark them. The palate fold can be moved and modified and relieved here and is stored in the Core to be used for exporting the prosthesis of the upper jaw.
On pressing the Next Button, the line is validated against self-intersection. Self-intersection leads to invalid calculation results in later steps and therefore is not allowed.